Writing During the Holidays
Writers Info, Writers Tips

Writing During the Holidays

Writing during the holidays can be a bit of a trial but it can also be a great way to get away from all the stress of family demands, cooking, coordinating family visits, and shopping for presents that your family and friends actually like and want. If you can get away in your writing space and write every single day it becomes a great habit and who knows you may even come up to the next best-selling novel. There are so many opportunities out there when there are new people coming into your home. There are always little dramas that you can record for future fodder. Enough about that.

This month is probably not a great month to try and come up with a promotional campaign to sell your books. Over the last year, we have been experimenting and researching about creating book promotions and the steps involved in getting your readers excited about your new story. It takes thought, timing, and lots of preparation. Sadly, as self-published authors, we have to rely on ourselves or pay professionals to help us get some of these jobs done. As a New Year’s Resolution, why don’t we all decide that we will plan out our book publishing and promotion schedule ahead of time. You know, just to see how that goes for a while.

Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season everyone!

January 30, 2021
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