Celebrate The Differences
I like to celebrate the differences these days. This month is filled with lots of opportunities for us to gather material for new stories for the coming new year. There are friends, families, co-workers, and people we meet in everyday life that we can use. People watching seems to be the best way to get new ideas and plot lines. Heck, the pandemic is rife with opportunities for storylines all over the place. Keep your notepad and pen handy to quickly write down what you see or even better take pictures and short videos of what others are doing.
Right now I am redecorating my home for the Christmas Holiday season. I do have a slight tendency in getting carried away with all the decorations but it is fun for me and it really helps our family to keep doing some of the things we normally do to reduce the stress and anxiety with all the self-isolating, social distancing, and wearing facemasks everywhere. It is kind of neat to see the different decorations and designs people are using on these masks. Just think it was not too long ago that wearing a mask in the local bank or store was a source of great trepidation now it is just normal.
Keep safe out there and keep on writing.
January 30, 2021
Sunshine State Book Festival
Sponsored by Writers Alliance of Gainesville
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